All About Stomach Ulcer

The formation of ulcers is caused due, to stomach disorders. An imbalance of acid formation in the stomach, which helps to digest the food, and kill the germs, leads to ulcer problems. A stomach ulcer is also called a gastric ulcer. The lining of the stomach is coated with mucous, which prevents the stomach from getting affected, by various harmful infections or acids. The stomach generates an acid that facilitates the digestion system and prevents the stomach disorder called an ulcer. Stomach ulcer originates in the lining of the stomach, which results in severe pain, burning, and abdomen swelling. It can also generated in the intestine, which is called duodenal ulcers. Stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers are together stated as peptic ulcers. Further, the eating habit of a person matters a lot. Drink plenty of water and maintain a healthy diet, to stay away from such occurrences. Ulcers have become a common problem among human beings. Mostly, American found stomach disorder case, which is increasing day by day.

Causes of ulcer

However, the causes of ulcers are increasing day by day due to lack of eating habits, and over usage of medicines. The main causes of stomach ulcers are (H. pylori) and (NSAIDs).

(H. pylori)

Helicobacter pylori are bacteria, which disrupt the stomach, and upper intestine lining, and lead to form an ulcer. H. pylori carry a silent symptom, which is found very difficult to acknowledge. Further, the occurrence of ulcers also belongs, to the family history. The chances are more for people, who smoke much. An excessive intake of painkillers may lead, to kidney failure and stomach ulcers. Hence, the excessive use of such drugs should be avoided, to get prevented health disorders.


 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used, to treat the disorder of toothache, headache, menstrual pain, fever, inflammation in the joints (arthritis problem), etc. Some people, who suffer from cardiovascular disease, use these drugs, to reduce the chances of blood clotting. However, the higher consumption of these drugs may cause stomach ulcers. Further, Paracetamol is stated as the preferable medicine, to get rid of the pain. However, the consumption of the medicine has to be suggested, by the doctor.

Spicy food

Consuming spicy food may lead, to the formation of stomach ulcers; since it is found difficult to digest, which results in stomach upset.

Symptoms of stomach ulcers

However, the symptoms of stomach ulcers include common health disorders, which are actually ignored by people. An alternative pain in the abdomen, stomach swelling, burning of the stomach, gastric formation, nausea, giddiness, bleeding, reduction in appetite, irritation in the stomach, etc. indicates the symptoms of stomach ulcer formation. Further, when the formation of an ulcer takes place, in a small intestine then the pain lasts for a longer period. People consuming a stomach full of food may get the chance, to reduce the problem, of duodenal ulcers. Eating fatty food brings more complications in digesting the foods. A continuous transit of black tar indicates stomach upset, which is counted as a severe symptom, of a stomach ulcer. Further, smoking, drinking alcohol, stress, and various types of medications (drugs), may increase the chances, of stomach ulcer formation.

Diagnoses of stomach ulcers

As you examined the symptoms of stomach ulcers; you need to follow various tests, to diagnose them. However, some recent technology had made the test easy, to diagnose the ulcer. You need to prefer the test called endoscopy, which assists to look inside the stomach and to examine whether it contains an ulcer or not. Further, the test also includes a hidden camera, which is fixed at the end of the mouth, so that the image can be taken during the process. This image indicates clearly whether the stomach had been affected by the ulcer or not. Sometimes this test results well, to avoid the further test. After, examining the positive result, people may go under treatment for stomach ulcers.

Blood taste- undergoing a blood test is the best option for various illnesses, to get diagnosed. The sample is examined for antibodies due to bacterial attack of H. Pylori. Antibodies are formed protein, which assists to struggle with germs, of the body.

Antigen test- in this category some pea-size stools are used, to test the sample.

Breath test through urea- in this test category some chemicals containing drinks will be provided, to you just to examine whether you have an infection of H. pylori or not. Further, if any of the three tests indicate a positive sign that people need to go under the treatment, ulcer to cure the infection and to protect, it from occurring again.

Treatments for stomach ulcer

The treatment of stomach ulcers carries various steps. If you are infected by H. pylori (Helicobacter pylori) you need to follow a course, of antibiotics. This antibiotic assists, to damage bacteria formation and curing the problem of ulcers. Further, if a person causes stomach ulcer through NSAIDs (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). He needs to follow the course called PPIs (proton pump inhibitors). This course runs for one to two months, to eradicate the problem of ulcers. Various antibiotic medicines are used, to kill the bacteria and to avoid it from occurring again. In a day two antibiotics are recommended to prefer; since one antibiotic doesn’t work. The process will run for at least 6 to 7 months, to reduce the infections. Further, the re-test will be taken place after the treatment, just to check whether the bacteria have been eradicated, or still exist. If bacteria exist, the process of treatment will continue, and if bacteria had wiped out, the process comes, to an end. In very rare case the NSAIDs bacteria runs for a longer time. Additionally, the treatment drugs carry various side effects on health, it has to be consumed according, to the prescription of the doctors.


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